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  1. I have my 3D and 2D rips from MakeMKV (shrunk via FFMEG and/or Handbrake) and tweaked in MakeMKV_GUI (for sub and lang force/sort defaults). The files are name according to wiki: Movie Name (2023).mkv Movie Name (2023) 3D HSBS.mkv Both version served and play fine. 3D movies show meta 3D tag and are filterable. Problem: Android (phone) 3.3.40 shows "3D" after the rating. Same for Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari - web direct (multiple OS platforms and versions). Amazon Firestick 4K TV using Amazon's store installs 2.0.93a, which lacks the 3D indicator as well. Sideloading 3.3.40 and all Android devices good. Is there a setting in 3.3.43 (and future versions) to allow 3D to be shown on movie info view?
  2. gerry.emm

    Watchin 3D movies

    Hi everyone, I have been collecting 3D movies both on BluRay as well as digitally. Recently, I acquired a DLP projector that is capable of projecting 3D movies, so I purchased a couple of sets of active shutter 3D glasses. I don't own a 3D capable BluRay player, but my PS4 is capable of playing 3D BluRays. When I play 3D Blurays on my PS4 and project them using my projector, I am able to actually watch them in 3D, so there is no question whether or not my projector system (Viewsonic PG707W) is capable of displaying 3D movies. So, I have been trying to play 3D movies from EMBY, with quite the opposite results. All of my digital 3D movies are 3D "side by side" versions of the movie. I have adjusted my projector's settings to display "side by side" 3D movies, and you can definitely see that EMBY is trying to display in 3D, but as soon as the movie starts, the 3D effects drop and all the projector displays is 2 versions of the movie, playing, you guessed it, side by side. You can literally see the change happening when wearing the glasses. The display starts out in 3D, but as soon as the movie starts, the glasses drop the 3D effect. Is there some step I am missing in getting EMBY to display them correctly? I have made certain that I am following the proper naming convention for 3D movies, and EMBY Theater is showing the titles as 3D (although the same cannot be said for the ROKU version of EMBY). To anyone having any experience at displaying 3D movies correctly, I would be eternally grateful if you could share your experience, and help me get mine to play correctly. And thanks in advance for any information you are willing to share!!! Gerry
  3. mmm77

    Hilfe? Namensgebung 3D- Filme

    Hallo zusammen, ich benutze Tiny Media Manager (TMM) und versuche die Namen so zu machen, daß Emby alles korrekt erkennt. Bei den normalen Filmen funktioniert das nun, es werden nun auch Kopien in anderen formaten erkannt. Meine Einstellung ist: ${title} ${- ,edition,} (${year}) - ${3Dformat} ${videoFormat} ${videoCodec} ${hdr} ${audioCodec} Nur funktioniert das nicht mit der Erkennung vom 3D-Format. Beispiel: z:\#3D\The Jungle Book (2016)\The Jungle Book (2016) - 3D HSBS 1080p h264 DTS.mkv Das wird leider nicht als 3D Film erkannt. Kann mir da jemand helfen ? Tags need be be surrounded be either a space ( ), hyphen -, dot . or underscore _. Tags are case-insensitive, so both 3d and 3D will work. Examples: moviename (year).3d.hsbs.mkv moviename (year) 3d sbs.mkv moviename (year).3D-HTAB.mkv moviename (year)-3D.sbs-720p.mkv moviename (year)-3D.mvc.mkv Mike
  4. Hello! I have a lot of question, sorry about that. I use Emby for my 2D- Movies and I love it. But I struggle a lot with 3D. I want to save my 3D-BluRay on HDD and watch it via Emby. First of all Hardware: My Way to watch is: Server (PC with Ryzen/NAS) -> Player (Playstation 4 Pro/Samsung Blu-Ray-Player with no Emby App) -> BenQ TH681 Full HD 3D DLP-Projektor 1. Question: Is my Hardware (Playerstation Pro) good enough or need I another streaming Box, like nVidia Shield? Software: I use DVDLab, but there I get just a 3D-TS-MPEG2 File. For my 2D-Movies I use MakeMKV and Handbrake. 2. Question Is there a possibility to make in an simple way 3D-Movies? 2. Question: Which Format would be perfect for making 3d-Films? Thank you in advance for the help.
  5. Hi, I am new to Emby and only installed it yesterday. When I try to play a 3D movie, it plays but I have to manually switch the TV into 3D mode. Looking at the metadata, all the movies have been correctly identified as either tsbs or ttab, they say 3D in the information in Emby player but they do not switch the TV. I have been trying Plex for a few days but finding that it is taking too much processing power on my NAS whereas Emby hardly uses any cpu and just works. Plex however does auto switch the TV mode to 3D on all the movies, the ones that didn't, I just added the appropriate "t-sbs" or "t-tab" to the file name and that seemed to sort it. Is there anything I need to do differently in Emby to get it to switch when 3D movies are played? My TV is Samsung: Model: EU65HU8500 Firmware: 1530 Emby Client: 1.0.39 Thanks
  6. unisoft

    MVC 3D support (MKV)

    Does anyone know if the LG TV App can support playback of MKV/MK3D whee the metadata tag is set to MVC and the rip is done in MakeMKV with MVC and a 3D bluray disc? If so, should the extension be MK3d or MKV and do I need to press anything on the TV or is it automatic? I have extension as MK3D at the moment and no 3D (my OLED55C6V is 3D TV) thanks
  7. schmitty

    MK3D support

    Hi, Could the mk3d file extension be added to the 3d file naming conventions? eg. if the file extension is mk3d, then the server shouldn't have to rely on the other naming conventions.
  8. Hi everyone, been having a weird issue where playback stops every ~26 minutes. I'm streaming via lan (wired) an MKV bluray remux with DTS-MA audio. It plays great, then after ~26 minutes the playback freezes and Emby Theatre is unresponsive, nothing happens if I press play/pause/stop. I kill Emby Theatre and then resume the movie, it plays fine for another 26 minutes. If I play using an external player, the player quits and returns to Emby Theatre.. Nothing is in the server's log, just regular heartbeats. Nothing is the Theatre log, I did set to EnableDebugLevelLogging=true but nothing extra is shown in the log. Anyone else?
  9. serpi

    3D mode broken

    Hi, it seems the settings for the 3d conversation mode are not working anymore in ET 3.0?! (I think it already didn't work in 2.9.9) I had it set to mono (convert to 2d), but now all 3d videos are played with the setting none (no conversation). I tried it on two different installations, both with the same result. I tried different settings, all are ignored. Does ET use the video-stereo-mode setting of mpv? In the documentation it is mentioned: "Set the stereo 3D output mode (default: mono). This is mostly broken and thus deprecated." So, maybe ET sets it but it doesn't work anymore in mpv? As I understand, instead of this setting, a video filter should be used? So, based on ffmpeg, mpv should be able to support this 3d output filters? This would be intresting, as there is an hdmi mode, which should be the sae as the hardware based mode in Kodi, which works pretty well for me (and is one of the main reasons, I'm using Kodi besides ET. Is there any chance to fix the 3d mode in ET? Thanks & Ciao, Alfred
  10. Hi, I'm creating all metadata by myself, I used to use MetaBrowser but now switched to EMM. So now, I've changed from using movie.xml files to movie.nfo files. For 3D movies, I have a tag <format3d> in the xml file (HSBS, HTAB, etc) that ws auto created by MetaBrowser, which works with xml files. But if I insert the same tag into the nfo file, it seems to be ignored, the server doesn't show that the file is 3D, the Format3D field in the information is empty and I have to edit the information in emby manually. Is this a bug or is there a different 3D tag for nfo files? Thanks & Ciao, Alfred
  11. heciruam

    3D MVC metadata

    Hello everyone, I have a question regarding the "3D format" tag, one can edit under "edit info" for a movie. I tag all of my media with mediaelch before I let emby scan them. So after I added them I let emby fetch the local media metadata, I go in and change the "3D format" tag to "mvc". - My question is, if that mvc format tag is an emby internal thing or if I could do that before hand so that would get saved into the .nfo file. (Where is it just a regular "tag" or does it need to be saved anywhere specifically?) - If it is an emby thing, could I let emby export the metadata just for that one movie, even though my setting are setup for emby to save metadata into movie folders. I just want to make sure that, if I ever had to reinstall emby without a back up I would not have to do it all again. Cheers
  12. rubicon

    Samsung TV APP

    Hello, My TV model is: UE32H6400 and I have been running the community app version 2.2.2 for couple months now with no issue at all. First of all I was excited to read that now the app is available in the official samsung store for users in UK and I am now running version 0.109 at the same time. Its very handy that I didn't had to delete the community app and have them both installed, as some problems I have with version 0.109 are non existent on 2.2.2 Those in detail: 1) I have noticed when I am running version 0.109, from time to time when I am browsing through my library, the server app on my dedicated windows pc crashes and I have to manually re-start it (only the app, not the PC). Maybe that's a server issue as I have also noticed that it happens after upgrading to 2) Version 2.2.2 starts 3D movies just fine as long as you have configured each movie properly through the metadata manager menu -in my case it's the HSBS option- so you don't have to manually choose this with your remote control. I can't seem to be able to run any 3D movie with version 0.109 3) In version 0.109, when a movie is playing I don't seem to be able to view the progress bar when I pause the movie. I also can't choose a specific chapter or use the playback bar to move further ahead onto another segment of the movie. Fast forward buttons on the remote seem to be ok. 4) I would love to have an option in version 0.109 to increase the subtitles size if possible. All my movies are MP4 with AAC 5.1 audio, 2000 to 2500 bitrate H264 encoding so direct play works flawless on both TV apps and on my iPhone app as well. Another really nice thing I have noticed is that the video playback looks crispier and sharper through the 0.109 app comparing it to the 2.2.2 version. Now that I am thinking of it, the only thing differently I did when I have installed the new 0.109 app, is that I've used the PIN option to connect to my EMBY server. I can also try disconnect and connect manually with my local IP just to see if that makes any difference for the above issues although I don't think it would be related. All those are minor problems of course. I am happy having both apps installed, I just thought to share my testing results with you guys for future improvements. Thanks again for all your hard work, EMBY as always is awesome!!
  13. Hello, I have two issues I'm hoping someone can help me with. First off, I like how Emby allows you to have a background picture or video for movies, TV shows, and Music. However, I don't like the 'theme' it uses of starting the image from totally black on the left and then (mostly) visible on the right. What ends up happening is that you can only see about 1/4 to 1/2 the image. How can I change that? My second question is how do you name 3D movies that have multiple parts, such as the Hobbit movies? The naming conventions state to put "-3D" at the end for 3D moves and "-part#" for multiple parts. However, it doesn't state what to do when you have both. I've tried putting -3D and -part# together at the end but Emby doesn't recognize that. It shows parts 1 and 2 as separate movies.
  14. So, this past weekend I did some research on how to rip and play 3D Blu Ray movies from my Emby server and I'm just as confused as I was before searching. I'm hoping someone in the forums can shed some light for me. First off, do I need a 3D Blu Ray player just to rip 3D movies? I have a Blu Ray drive, but its not 3D. If I need a 3D drive just to rip 3D movies then the rest of my questions are moot. However, I have successfully been able to rip 3D movies with MakeMKV but they only play in 2D. Which leads me to my next question... What do I need to PLAY 3D ripped movies, software and hardware wise? As I said, I have been able to both rip 3D movies to mkv and also original disc format ('copy and paste,' so to speak). My computer is less than 6 months old and I have quad cores, 64GB RAM and a upper tier video card that is "VR ready." I have it connected to a 3D ready TV which I have used to watch 3D movies with my stand-alone 3d blu ray player. I also have Kodi installed for Emby. Even with Kodi reading the movie directly off my PC instead of the Emby server, it still won't play in 3D, just 2D. Kodi seems to think it is 3D-it shows the little 3D glasses icon--but playback is 2D. Am I missing some special codec? Finally, if I already have all I need, what settings to I need to set to make it work? Kodi allows you to change the 3D format, but the options are odd and don't seem compatible with modern 3D movies. For example, you can do red/green but that's, like, for 1950's era 3D movies. Or you can do side by side, but that just shows the movie in two boxes side by side. Maybe that's meant for VR, I dunno. There's also top and bottom--I have no idea what that's for!
  15. ShoutingMan

    What's the codec tag for 3D?

    Is there a built-in tag for 3D, and if so how do I name an intro codec video to play automatically? Or do I manually tag 3D videos with (say) "3D" and put a file such as "3d - 3D.mvc.mkv" in my Codec folder? https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Cinema-Mode Thanks
  16. mattykellyuk

    Multiple versions of films

    Hi I have had a quick search hopefully no one hasn't asked this. I have a number of 3d and non 3d films. To identify them I change their title adding "3d" to the end and put them in a genre called "3d", after this i block the server from updating these aspects. I would love to see the functionality that enables these films to be displayed as one in the library and then you are asked which version you would like to watch. Is this possible at the moment or if not can I make this a feature request? Thanks
  17. What, if any, are the solutions for playing 3D movies in MVC MKV Format from Emby Theater? @, Or, am I better off playing 3D blu-rays with PowerDVD? I find scattered threads on the topic, but nothing definitive or detailed. It looks like the solutions are PowerDVD to play the original blu-ray or something called Stereoscopic Player. It appears the ET doesn't natively support 3D, which is what I saw tonight quickly trying out a new 3D movie. What do people do for 3D from Emby Theater on a Win10 system? Thanks! https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/17686-3d-external-player/?hl=mvc&do=findComment&comment=171777 https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/19087-help-with-stereoscopic-player/?hl=mvc https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/28348-best-way-to-rip-and-playback-full-hd-frame-packed-3d-blu-ray-for-emby/page-2 https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/17686-3d-external-player/?hl=mvc&do=findComment&comment=171777
  18. As 3D playback still requires external programs: Would it be possible to use the App to display only one half of the HSBS/HTOB content so that we at least could watch it in 2D, and use external players only if we actually want to watch 3D? Regards
  19. schmitty

    Blu-Ray 3D treatment

    Hi ebr, Is there any chance of adding a Blu-Ray 3D treatment to CoverArt, and adding 'Blu-Ray 3D' as a recognised tag for 'Treat image as...'?
  20. Hello, I would like to know which 3D format tag I should use for 3D Blu-Ray rips
  21. I have been using Emby for awhile now, but the one thing I've been unable to do is watch ripped 3D Blu Rays on my HTPC. I was wondering what solutions people have come up with for this problem? So far the only success I have had (other than putting in the disc and playing it with PowerDVD 15) is to rip it with MakeMKV as an mvc file, and use Stereoscopic Player. The trouble is, I only have the demo of Stereoscopic Player since its not a free application and I'm, um, on a budget. Is there any free software that can be used to play 3D Blu Rays? If not, I will bite the bullet and buy it, but can Emby use Stereoscopic Player as an external player? The second, less important, question I have is...is there any way to get my TV to play ripped 3D Blu Rays in 3D automatically? If I stick the disc in or watch something natively in 3D on TV (DirectTV used to have 3D channels, though they are long gone now) my Samsung un60es7150 would automatically swtich to 3D mode. However, with Stereoscopic Player I have to pick 'side by side' as my viewing format, start playing, then go to the TV's menu and manually turn on 3D side by side mode. Boo hoo, my diamond necklace chafes, but it is pretty annoying. Is there a better way? Thanks for your help and sorry if this is in the wrong forum, I wasn't really sure where to post it.
  22. I need help understanding filename conventions as applied to blu-ray ISOs. I'm referencing the guidelines, but Emby isn't behaving as I expect. https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Movie%20naming For example: Mad Max: Fury Road. My set has both 2D and 3D discs. I think the names should be: "Mad Max - Fury Road (2015) - 3D.bluray.iso" "Mad Max - Fury Road (2015) - bluray.iso" I've got the hyphen to indicate two versions, the bluray to say it's a blu-ray and not DVD, and 3D for that version. For this case, I get only the 3D version in Emby Theater, but it's not labeled as 3D. For another similar case, Guardians of the Galaxy, I get two indistinguishable entries in Emby Theater, one for 2D and for 3D, but I can't tell which is which without playing them. I'm confused? What's the expected behavior for two versions of the same movie, with proper filenaming? What should the file names be? I appreciate the help. I bought the lifetime edition and I'm trying to get my library tuned up and moved from Plex and PowerDVD conventions to Emby's.
  23. Nelcruz

    powerdvd 16

    Hello All, I was wondering if anyone was using Powerdvd 16 as an sxternal player in new Emby Theater? If so, which exe did you select, and did you enter any arguments? Does it minimize ET? Does it close Powerdvd 16 abd gring focus back to ET? Ang help would be appreciated.
  24. pgriffith

    3D Movies

    Hi I've only just recently become aware of the 3D movie support Emby now has https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/3D%20videos Previously I'd just had them in their own separate folder as stand alone movies. So after reading the WIKI I figured I'd do it the 'right' way. I had an issue where even though I'd added tags to the video filename, Emby didn't recognize it as 3D. I started with the following file Star Trek Into Darkness (2013).mp4, renamed it to Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) 3D HTAB.mp4 which didn't work, then tried lowercase, Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) 3d htab.mp4 Still no go, so I tried using Star Trek Into Darkness (2013).3d.htab.mp4 and lo and behold Emby recognized it as 3D. So even though the WIKI states: Tags need be be surrounded be either a space ( ), hyphen -, dot . or underscore _. Tags are case-insensitive, so both 3d and 3D will work. It appears spaces do not work as stated. Just a heads up for you guys to either fix it or change the WIKI Cheers
  25. jasonwilliams

    External Player Triggers

    Hello, It would be great if we could trigger the External Player based on the 3D meta-data. If a 3D option is set, it would call the External Player. Thanks, Jason
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